Alex's Patch

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pets Day

Yesterday we had pet’s day. The first thing we did was get all our baking down to the school and work on some of our other things. We were getting it all ready for the judges to mark it. After the judging we looked at all our placings. Then we set up our stalls so we would be ready for the people when we had finished leading our pets. I was going to lead my calf. There where 3 calves and 3 lambs. I got second place for my calf. After the leading we had the stalls running. There where 4 stalls and I had a go at all of them. It was a fun day and I really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


In the first week of the holidays I was invited to stay a my friends place.We played on his xbox and went shopping and we also went to the movies.It was a very fun time. The next day we played golf. It was quite easy when I got the hang of it.We did 9 holes and it took us about 2 hours.

This term I want to get better at reading and writing before I go to highschool.I also need to inprove in checking and correcting my work.